Produced by Kalpathi Agoram, Ganesh and Suresh under AGS Entertainment, the film is directed by debutant director Selvin Raj Xavier and features Satish, Regina Cassandra, Saranya Ponvannan, VTV Ganesh, Nasser, Anandraj, Redin Kingsley and Ellie Avram.
In Chennai 1930s British, a British army major breaks up the love between a white woman and a white man, imprisons the woman and sexually harasses her.
To escape from him, the lover approaches a good witch and goes to a dream world by plucking the Feather from the magical wooden Statue that she makes so that the lovers can be happy. At one point he is been caught in a magical bed in the same dream house.
Everyone dies The destroyed palace-like house is demolished, and Kannappan (Sathish), a fourth-generation youth born in the house, plucking a Feather of the magic Statue in his hand and gets trapped in the dream house while sleeping. The ghosts of the romantic couple there threaten him.
If he gets hit there, when he wakes up from sleep, the place where he was hit really swells and bleeds. When he meets the exorcist Yehumalai (Nasser), a spirit world researcher, he says, “Perhaps in a dream, if you are killed, you will die in reality.” He says that he can only escape if he does not sleep in life.
A usurious Dada (Anandraj) gets trapped by plucking a feather. A doctor (Redin Kingsley) whom he consults, his mother (Saranya Ponvannan), father (VTV Ganesh) and maternal uncle (Namo Narayanan) get stuck on their own. At one point, the spirit world researcher and his assistant (Regina Cassandra) decided to enter the haunted house by plucking a feather to save them.
Debutant director Selvin Raj Xavier has come up with a different and exciting story. Congratulations. Some of the character designs are also special, like YouTube favorite Amma. The comedy in the dialogues is amazing.
Yuva’s cinematography creates the mood required for the film along with beautiful visuals. Yuvan Shankar Raja’s music is also the same. Mohan Mahendran’s art direction is amazing. Especially the magical wooden Statue that makes you scream. Pattanam Rasheed’s special makeup is also awesome.
Although Sathish has acted as a hero in some films before this. He has become a complete hero in this film by acting exceptionally well in all genres be it comedy, fear, seriousness, mother affection. Congratulations. Saranya Ponvannan, VTV Ganesh, Nasser, Anandraj, Redin Kingsley are well used. Redin Kingsley puts on a gear extra and lifts.